2015-1-LV01- KA219-013422 Development and Implementation of Innovative Methods of Teaching Math,Science and languages in the Multicultural Europe Classroom Project transnational meeting in Portugal, Vila Nova de Gaia, Agrupamento de Escolas Gala Nascente Agenda: Presentation of partners countries, schools, education systems planning activities for the period October2015-March 2016 Participants of the transnational staff meeting 20.10.2015 - 24.10.2015
Decisions: Tasks for the period November 2015-March2016: • To complete the meeting evaluation form(01/11/2015) • To create accounts in google and e-Twinning(till 01.11.2015) • To develop and implement questionnaires on ethnic composition(30.11.2015.) and students achievements (22/12/2015) • To analyse and summarise the results for the newsletter(15/01/2016) • To do tasks about the history of the country(28/02/2016) • Outputs (10.03. 2016) • To disseminate the project results (November-March)
23.10.2015 Portugal, Vila Nova de Gaia Project coordinator Ludmila Renge